Why Contemporary Worship? prt. 3 - The New Exhibit

Why Contemporary Worship? prt. 3 - The New Exhibit

The 3rd part in my series, "Why Contemporary Worship?"

Have you ever noticed how much museums have improved over the years? Curators have done a great job at really making their exhibits come alive with multimedia, interactive displays, and buttons for the kids to push.

In this video podcast I explain how we can learn a lot from the improvements that museums have made over the last few decades. The story of Christianity hasn't changed over the last two centuries, but that doesn't mean we can't change the way we display it to our current generation.

Is our faith a dusty relic that we put on display on Sunday mornings, or an exciting and vibrant relationship? The members of your community who come to visit your church are likely to see it one way or the other. We have a responsibility to bring the same passion to our faith that the most dedicated curators bring to their subject matter.

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