Junk Food BURNNIE episode 17

Junk Food BURNNIE episode 17

Steve and Faith Treague have a love for children. That is why both of them became teachers. Being teachers allowed the Treagues to develop a summer ministry of Reaching the Children or RTC. (See Living Stones News – Sept. 2006). In 1990 BURNNIE the Bunnie® made his debut.

Burnnie's character was developed and born in 1990. Steve Treague said, "His personality grew as we presented him before live audiences and received feedback from children. They loved him. He's a friendly kind of guy with a bit of an edge. He just says is like it is; or at least how he thinks it is."

That is what gives Burnnie a life like and realistic personality. Burnnie teaches others as he learns from his own mistakes.

BURNNIE the Bunnie® has received two media awards. The Treagues were awarded a CINDY (Cinema in Industry) Award for "Burnnie Goes To The Hospital", a video to help relieve a child's fear of the hospital. For their radio program of BURNNIE the Bunnie®, they received the Covenant Award in 1997 which is a national award given for excellence in Christian media. Also winning the award that same year were James Dobson and VeggieTales.

Treague said, "After the first TV show in 1990, we went into radio. Many listeners thought the radio show would make a great TV series, but with teaching and live performance opportunities, we never even gave going back into television production another thought."

When Steve left the teaching profession, the Treagues were left wondering what God had in store for them. It didn't take long to realize that God had a plan for the Treagues. One that would require the Treagues to let God take the reigns and work out many of the details that seemed overwhelming. This road led Steve Treague into full-time ministry.

Treague said, "We felt God's leading to produce what is now known a

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