Standing on the Promises of God Part Three

Standing on the Promises of God Part Three

We at Joy of the Lord Ministries are excited to bring the Body of Christ into the revelation of Jesus Christ and praying for the wisdom and knowledge and understanding to come [For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him,

Wanting to see the glory of the Lord manifested in God's people and each one can by the faith of Jesus Christ rise up and live the overcoming life that Christ has won for us on Calvary

Our desire is to make the saints of God aware of the power and victory that each one can walk in and to show in the word just what our Lord Jesus Christ has bought for them and that each on is a temple for the Holy Spirit to live in and to have His rightful place in each believer. and to honor and glory to the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ

We desire to see each believer rise up in the potential that the Holy Spirit has put within them and to walk it out and bring forth the fruit that will have an everlasting effect in someone else's life, and so the church grows by the power of the Holy Spirit and not by false teaching.

We are Lovers of God and Lovers of People and We Love to Worship and to bring the body to maturity in Christ Jesus and to save the Lost and go out in a dying world and bringing people to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is our pleasure to give out what the Holy Spirit wants us to give and to be a blessing to the Body of Christ and we want each one to grow more in love with our Lord Jesus Christ and to realize the finish work He did on the cross and the power of His resurrection to live an overcoming life to the Glory and honor of Jesus Christ who brings all the glory to the Father Hallelujah

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