Anti-intellectual movement in the church

Anti-intellectual movement in the church

Dr. Phil Fernandes is asked a series of questions affecting Christians today by David Howard

July 2nd, 2012

Dr. Fernandes holds the following degrees:
Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion degree from Greenwich University
Master of Arts in Religion degree from Liberty University
Bachelor of Theology Degree from Columbia Evangelical Seminary.

He has authored 7 books:
Contend Earnestly for the Faith
God, Government, and the Road to Tyranny
The God Who Sits Enthroned: Evidence for God's Existence
No Other Gods: A Defense of Biblical Christianity
Theism Vs. Atheism: The Internet Debate
The Decay of a Nation
Seven Great Apologists

He is a member of the following professional societies:
The Evangelical Philosophical Society
The Evangelical Theological Society
The Society of Christian Philosophers
International Society of Christian Apologetics

He has lectured and debated on college campuses including:
University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
University of Washington.

He has debated some of America's leading atheist thinkers such as:
Dr. Michael Martin (Professor of Philosophy, Boston University)
Dan Barker
Jeff Lowder
Elliot Ratzman.

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