True Confession Must Take Place Before Importunate Prayer, Part 3 (TPMD Bus 1 – #45)

True Confession Must Take Place Before Importunate Prayer, Part 3 (TPMD Bus 1 – #45)

Our prayer motivator verse from the Word of God today is Psalm 145:18 which reads: "The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth."

Our prayer motivator quote today is from Robert Murray McCheyne. He said: "If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no difference. He is praying for me."

Our prayer motivator devotional today is the third and final part of our current series entitled True Confession Must Take Place Before Importunate Prayer from Dr. John R. Rice. Dr. Rice said...

Here is the shameful reason for the fruitlessness of Christians all over the land. Here is why preachers have no souls saved, why churches have no revivals, why Sunday School teachers do not win pupils, why fathers and mothers and wives and husbands do not win loved ones to Christ. The simple fact is that God sent loved ones our way that we ought to win and that we could win, if we had the bread of life and the power of the Holy Ghost upon us.

We do not have what it takes to win souls. God certainly has bread for sinners. His dear, compassionate, bleeding heart has prepared a way for all of mankind and His seeking spirit will never be satisfied until His house is filled, and the wedding table is furnished with guests. God has bread for sinners, but that bread must be carried by Christians.

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