S2: Episode 3- Changing Our mind to Change Our Life

S2: Episode 3- Changing Our mind to Change Our Life

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” — Norman Vincent Peele

Thoughts are powerful. The thoughts running through your mind can help to manifest the life of your dreams or draw you closer to your failure.

If you’re serious about achieving your goals and accomplishing anything worth noting in life, then you have to leverage the power of your thoughts by shifting your thinking. Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” You can’t expect to think, feel and behave the same way but garner different results. You have to take drastic measures by sowing the seeds of change to reap powerful results.

The more you can focus your thoughts on something, the more likely you’ll be able to achieve it. If you focus your mind on the wrong things, then you’ll have a harder time achieving anything in life. Learn how to direct and refine your focus to help guide you in the right direction. If you don’t, you’ll feel at the mercy of the events in your life rather than at the helm of them.

If you want to leverage the power of your thoughts to achieve great things, you have to set meaningful goals.

Whatever it is that you want in life, as long as you do the proper amount of planning for it, you can achieve it over time. It just won’t happen overnight. But it’s the right plan that will take you from Point A to Point B. Without it, you’ll be left scratching your head and wondering why you’re not making the amount of progress you’re after.

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