Why God Permits Evil

Why God Permits Evil

In this short video, I discuss how Jesus' choice of Judas Iscariot gives us insight into how evil plays a role in God's plan. The existence of evil does not mean that God does not exist or that he does not care, only that he allows it and uses it to the advantage of his plan which requires that we learn from it. For those interested in the book, please follow this link: https://www.amazon.com/Ninety-Sixth-Thesis-Losing-Church-Finding-ebook/dp/B08N6QX67L/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1XJNTRE9PW3GZ&dchild=1&keywords=the+ninety+sixth+thesis&qid=1623263033&sprefix=ninety+sixth+%2Caps%2C162&sr=8-2

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