Good Samaritan Rescues 'Man' From Christmas Light Display

Good Samaritan Rescues 'Man' From Christmas Light Display

If you are looking for an incredible Christmas light display, nothing compares to this setup in Texas. It was so over the top, that it fooled one unsuspecting man into thinking the display was real.

Chris Heerlein and his wife, Hannah, went all out to try and win their neighborhood’s annual Christmas display contest. They decided to recreate a scene from the holiday movie ‘National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.’ In the movie, Clark Griswold, played by Chevy Chase, is attempting to hang lights on his roof when he trips and is left clinging to the gutter.

The Heerleins set up an elaborate recreation, complete with a mannequin appearing to dangle from their house. The entire display was so good that it actually prompted one passerby to dial 911.

When Alfred Norwood, Jr. came across the scene, he ran towards the house to save the ‘man.’ Security cameras on the property captured Norwood rushing to grab the ladder and shouting to the dangling dummy.

Once the police arrived, they were able to sort out the whole misunderstanding but the family was still touched by Norwood’s immediate reaction to help. They even ended up giving him a gift card for his kindness.

Since the incident, the Heerleins have placed a sign in their yard notifying passerbys of the display. After all of this, I sure hope that this family won the neighborhood contest. They definitely put a lot of time and effort into pulling off these details. What did you think of this elaborate display?

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