Wounding Waters, Part 3: The Goal Driven Life 2 of 2

Wounding Waters, Part 3: The Goal Driven Life 2 of 2

Goals can be very good for us, they give us direction and hope for the future, The Lord Himself gives us goals, but He asks us to allow Him to lead us to our destinations. It is when goals become our do-all, end-all, focus that they threaten to become idols in our lives.

How could it be possible that leading a goal oriented life could be counter productive to the Gospel and leading a Christian life pleasing to God? Coming from the professional world I brought my ideas into my spiritual life, until the Lord began to reveal that my God was not Him but what I produced.

Gently He led and convicted me until I was willing to give up my idea of a productive Christian walk. Worldliness is a virus from Hell in the Christian churches, and this is only one of five facets that lead to the Wounded Waters of our churches in this day. But there is hope, Jesus will lead us if only we will honestly commit our way to Him and let Him teach us what holiness is all about.

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