Longing for a Radical Love for Jesus, from our Journal

Longing for a Radical Love for Jesus, from our Journal

Longing for a Radical Love with Jesus, Our Journal

Jesus talks about how He plants the longing for a different and deeper relationship with Him in our hearts and how He brings us into this intimacy with Him, and some of the steps we must follow to get there.

The Lord also talks about the preciousness of the relationship that we share and how critical it is to be aware that it's the little foxes that spoil the vine and just how they manifest in our lives.

The enemy is terribly threatened by the depth of relationship you have with Jesus and as a result will do everything in his power to steal that intimate time away from you.

These episodes from our Journal are to help everyone get closer to the intimate life Jesus so desires to have now with His Bride. The image of us together is also available for you to insert your own picture, just write me and I'll do it for you. He truly wants everyone to embrace Him with simplicity and trust.

May you find your joy in His arms.


We are a full time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you thirty fold, both now and in the age to come.


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