'Endless Alleluia' - Cory Asbury

'Endless Alleluia' - Cory Asbury

Each and every day, God truly amazes us with His many blessings and incredible ways. I am always in such wonder of just how powerful He truly is, beyond any worldly understanding.

That's exactly what the lyrics of 'Endless Alleluia' from Cory Asbury will remind you of. There are so many blessings in our lives that are all thanks to God. We should take the time to praise His name and singing in worship is the perfect way.

This powerful performance is exactly what my heart needed to hear today. We truly serve an amazing Father in Heaven and one day we will all be reunited. Until that day, I will sing from the rooftops of God's glory and love for all mankind. We will continue to sing His praises and worship as we try to follow in His steps and spread His message with the world. Amen!

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