Photographer Turns To Strangers After Husband's Death

Photographer Turns To Strangers After Husband's Death

Anjali Pinto lost her husband just 16 months after getting married. Both Anjali and her husband, Jacob Johnson, were photographers so pictures were a big part of their lives.

After his death, Anjali turned to Instagram to help with her grieving process. At first, she started to post pictures of Jacob and sentimental words describing the photo or how she felt at the moment dealing with her loss. Little by little, her followers started to grow as others joined in on her journey of grief and even shared their own stories of loss, sorrow and hope in the aftermath.

All of these photos have brought strangers from all over the world together in such an incredible way. Social media can definitely get a bad reputation nowadays, but sometimes, stories like this make me realize just how powerful and meaningful this tool can truly be.

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