Never-Seen-Before Video of God's Creation

Never-Seen-Before Video of God's Creation

For most of us, going to work is just part of daily life. No matter how beautiful your drive may be or how God shows up we start to become used to the little miracles of everyday.

Sometimes, we forget to take time to stop and notice the beauty and wonder of God's creation all around us. So when Russian astronaut Sergei Ryazanski, Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli and American astronaut Randy Bresnik saw the amazing images of space they captured while on the International Space Station they knew they needed to share that wonder with the rest of the world.

They took these powerful images and put them to music with the song 'The Sound of Silence' as performed by the band Disturbed. It truly is impossible to miss the magnitude of God's power when you look at all He has created God bless them for sharing such miracles with us.

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