Taekwondo Group Mesmerizes With Golden Buzzer Routine On Britain's Got Talent

Taekwondo Group Mesmerizes With Golden Buzzer Routine On Britain's Got Talent

You have to watch this taekwondo group mesmerize the judges and audience on Britain’s Got Talent and walk away with a Golden Buzzer routine!

The taekwondo group is called Ssaulabi Performance Troupe, and at the beginning of their performance, all the members huddle together and yell out a group chant. They are bringing the energy right from the start! 

One of the first tricks of the performance is one of the troupe members chopping through 9 concrete slabs with her hand! So impressive! The next trick includes one guy doing a giant backflip and kicking through multiple boards on his way down. What a crazy sight to see! Later, another guy does a running jump while flipping sideways in the air and kicks a board in half. Trick after trick, the routine just continues to get more impressive as time goes on.

“Flying wood everywhere!” says one of the hosts as another trick is happening on stage. The hosts then proceed to put on safety glasses in a comical bit.

The judges are in awe and are screaming and cheering on the group as they watch their performance unfold on stage. When Ssaulabi Performance Troupe concludes their act, the hosts come running from the side of the stage to press the golden buzzer for the group!

“The power, the beauty, the artistry! It blows everything else I’ve seen out of the water!” says judge Bruno Tonioli.

“My goodness, I need more of that!” judge Alesha Dixon says. “I can’t even imagine how much discipline, hard work, and dedication it’s taken for you to achieve what you just did there today. It was exciting! You’ve got us screaming! Genuinely, that might be one of the best things I’ve seen on this show.”

Britain’s Got Talent stage has never seen an act like this before, and we can’t wait to see what this taekwondo group does next at the live shows!


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