Comedian Jim Gaffigan Shares How We Are All Living in a Time Warp

Comedian Jim Gaffigan Shares How We Are All Living in a Time Warp

In this funny video, comedian Jim Gaffigan shares his thoughts on how time has passed during 2020 and how we may all be living in a time warp.

“It’s already August?! But is it really? I mean the calendar may indicate that it’s August, the weather outside may feel like August, the corn I planted would make you think it’s August. But is it really August? Wait, I planted corn?” says Jim as he comedically ponders his decision to grow corn.

“It can’t be August!” Jim continues. “There wasn’t a July or a June! Or a May! There was definitely an April. I remember April. It felt like a cruel extension of March. What if we’re still in March?”

It’s funny to think about cause instead of losing track of the days of the week, it does almost feel like during this pandemic that we are losing track of the months.

“It could still be March,” Jim jokingly says. “I’m still doing the same thing I was doing in March. I’m still only hanging around these people I call my family like I did in March…I still don’t understand how those Zoom meetings work. I still watch the news, frustrated and flabbergasted like I was in March. I still don’t understand that term “new normal” like I didn’t understand it in March. How can something be new and normal? How can something be normal and new?”

As Jim finishes out his final thoughts on the passing of time in 2020, his mind goes back to his corn. “I gotta check my corn….that’s why I know it’s not March, cause I’m growing corn and….why am I growing corn?”

“This has been the longest, shortest, craziest year ever!” comments one person on YouTube after watching this video. “I feel the same way, Jim.”

“You're growing corn so you can have fresh off the cob corn for Thanksgiving, which should be tomorrow if I have this time freeze thing right,” jokes another person online.

Well, even in this “new normal,” it’s great that we can still find a reason to laugh!

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