Day 5 or January 5th - Dramatized Chronological Daily Bible Reading

Day 5 or January 5th - Dramatized Chronological Daily Bible Reading

Read through the Bible in one year chronologically, starting January 1st or starting any day of the year. The 365 daily readings are divided by calendar dates, and by days.

The uniqueness of these videos is that they are all done in chronological order of events in the Bible and not by traditional chapter and verse. All readings are dramatized, which adds to the interest and better understanding for the reader. You can also follow each scripture reading visually on your computer, tablet, or phone.

You can purchase the Reese Chronological Bible at this link

You will notice highlighted words throughout these videos, these are words not spoken from the King James Version of the Bible. This is only done when there is a conversation and it makes the dramatization flow better.

(P) = Prophesy
(R) = Reese - Dating
(K) = Klassen - Dating

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