Over Confident Singer Nick Merico Narrowly Makes It With 'You Say' Audition

Over Confident Singer Nick Merico Narrowly Makes It With 'You Say' Audition

American Idol hopeful Nick Merico almost didn’t make it to Hollywood after his ego got in the way.

We first met this 23-year-old last season when he impressed the judges with his charm and musical. Even though Nick earned a ticket to Hollywood, he ultimately backed out. Now, he’s hoping to win over the judges again and prove that he has what it takes to be the next American Idol.

After sitting at the piano and belting out the lyrics to ‘You Say’ by Lauren Daigle, the judges had mixed reviews. Katy Perry started off by saying, “I just have this feeling that you think that you’re too good for us.”

She cautioned the young singer to make sure that his ego doesn’t get in the way of his future in music. Judge Luke Bryan, on the other hand, said that Nick had all the makings of an American Idol and should be going to Hollywood.

But it was Lionel Ritchie’s comments that stopped everyone in their tracks. “Nick, we have a problem. We have a big problem, honestly, because I don’t like you.” That’s when Lionel turned the tables and asked Nick how that made him feel because “I want you to understand what it feels like when people don’t adore you.”

After some sound advice from all three of the judges, Nick was voted through to Hollywood. Now, only time will tell if he truly has what it takes to keep his ego in check and conquer the American Idol stage.

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