The Holy Trinity Explained

The Holy Trinity Explained

Are you having a hard time reading the bible? Do you yet see how the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is separately at play in the scriptures? This should help.

Jesus is the Way
Holy Spirit is the Truth
God is the Life

It is easy to find Jesus and God in the scriptures, but the Holy Spirit can be better identified in the scriptures with the following:

1) Anything water (rain, snow, hail, crying, spit, rivers, lakes, ponds)
2) The words "Truth", "Wisdom", "Knowledge" and "Word" (When John talks about the "Word was made flesh", Jesus was the flesh part and the Holy Spirit was the "Word" part which came upon Mary to lead to the virgin birth.)

Ephesians 5:25-27 says that Christ is returning for a radiant bride, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. This scripture says that the bride must be washed in the word, which means washed in the Holy Spirit or the Holy Spirit baptism. Jesus told me "my bride is dirty" and I asked how she can get clean. His reply was via the "baptism of the Holy Spirit" (see Acts 2:2). You need to start asking, seeking and knocking for the baptism of the holy spirit to be ready for the rapture.

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