6 Misnomers of Atheism

6 Misnomers of Atheism


Founder of Cross Examined (www.crossexamined.org) Dr. Frank Turek is the one who taught me this presentation. See endnotes #1 & #2.

1: http://www.crossexamined.org
2: http://www.afa.net/Radio/show.aspx?id=2147493203&tab=audio&audio=2147513731
3: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prefrontal_cortex
4: Yang Y, Raine A (November 2009). "Prefrontal structural and functional brain imaging findings in antisocial, violent, and psychopathic individuals: a meta-analysis". Psychiatry Res 174 (2): 81--8.

Originally this video was done without the larg atheistic event Reason Rally in mind. However since Reason Rally has been on my mind, I have dedicated this video to cater to it via a response. On March 24th 2012, in Washington D.C. there will be a massive atheiststic event called Reason Rally. http://www.reasonrally.com This event has a weird name because such an event as this video explains 'reason' isn't something possible under the guise of atheism; in sum thi

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