Sermon: "The Prophet Moses," Rev. R. Scott MacLaren, First Presbyterian Church, Perkasie, PA 6/24/12

Sermon: 'The Prophet Moses,' Rev. R. Scott MacLaren, First Presbyterian Church, Perkasie, PA 6/24/12

The image that many in America have of Moses was formed in 1956 with Cecil B. DeMille's movie, "The Ten Commandments." Starring Charlton Heston, the movie depicts Moses as the Lawgiver, the one through whom we have received the Law of God. While that is true of Moses, God's own estimation of Moses is much broader than that. Watch as Rev. R. Scott MacLaren begins a new series of messages on "Moses, Post-Modernism, and the Church." The text for the sermon was Deuteronomy 34, and the sermon was given on June 24, 2012 at First Presbyterian Church in Perkasie, PA (USA), an Orthodox Presbyterian Church.

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