Disgust R Adjust

Disgust R Adjust

Luke 12:2 - Some of you might find this disgusting, but I like to eat frog legs. They actually taste quite good. They taste sort of like chicken. If you didn't know what you were eating, you'd probably like them, too. But let's take a moment, and THINK about it. We'd be eating an amphibian, which lives out its life in swamp slime, eating nasty insects. Eating frog legs can't be good although they taste and feel just right. I think that I'll just stick with chicken.A lot of us have gone through our lives eating MENTAL frog legs. Let me give you an example. Once I was a regional warranty administrator for a retail chain. One Wednesday morning, I received 6 warranty claims from the corporate office. One of my responsibilities was to sort through claims determining which ones were legitimate and which ones were not. For this reason, I had to turn away some. When a caller finds out that their claim is not covered, they usually go ballistic. As I was sitting there contemplating how my day might turn out, I was struggling with depressing thoughts. In other words, I was eating MENTAL frog legs. As I sat there feeling sorry for myself, I recalled something a friend once told me. He said that he goes out every day looking for ways to make people feel good about themselves and to make their day. He does this by giving generous tips and showing sincere appreciation to people. It works too. People are drawn to him like a magnet. As I sat there looking at those claims, I told myself that I was going to do what my friend does. I was going to do my best to make THEIR day. I believe because of this, most of them were really nice. We can't always control our circumstances, but we can control our thoughts about them. If YOU don't control your thoughts, YOU'RE PROBABLY RUNNING OFF OTHER PEOPLE. They can even feel the tension in your voice over the phone, and they'll get the impression that you don't have time for them. If you don't habitually fill your mind with good t

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