Comedian Ponders Funny And Annoying Things People Say

Comedian Ponders Funny And Annoying Things People Say

In a hilarious bit about language, comedian Don McEnery discussed some of the strangest and most irritating phrases most people use in everyday conversations. 

Communication is a big part of life. Whether it’s the written word or having a conversation with another human being, knowing how to properly and adequately convey a point or an idea to someone is a skill everyone needs. However, some of the phrases and sayings people use to express their thoughts and ideas are rather odd.

In a clip posted on YouTube, Don mentioned a couple of the weird and frankly, infuriating things people say, often without even thinking about it. The first phrase Don points to as annoying is “I’m just saying.”

“People say that all the time, ‘I’m just saying. I’m just saying,’” he said. “It’s an annoying thing. ‘I’m just saying.’ Yea, there’s just the two of us, and I didn’t say it.”

Another maddening and similar phrase, according to Don, is “You know what I’m saying?”

“And there’s ‘You know what I’m saying? You know what I’m saying?’ Have I stopped you at any point along this conversation, and said to you, ‘I really am confused about what it is you’re saying? Could you please reword it some other way so maybe I get the gist?’”

Don mentions another phrase he has an issue with: “more than fair.” To help illustrate his point, Don points out a hilarious scenario with his mechanic.

“My mechanic has a great expression: ‘More than fair,” he said. “If I argue about a bill with him, he’ll say, ‘We charge you a price we think is more than fair.’ What does that mean? He figured out what was fair and charged me more.”

Later in the laugh-out-loud clip, Don mentions hilarious issues he has with the news, the type of mattress he wants and problems he has experienced while getting older.

Job 8:21 “The time will come when your mouth will be full of laughing, and cries of joy will come for your lips.”

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