Baby's Antics Adorably Mimic Grandmother

Baby's Antics Adorably Mimic Grandmother

Watch this baby’s antics, which adorably mimic her grandmother’s, to see the power of nurture in action! Get a big chuckle in the process!

It’s wonderful when children have grandparents in their lives. Grands have a huge impact on their kids’ kids—from cuddle marathons when busy parents need a night out to filling bag chairs on soccer fields to support little athletes. 

And, whether those earthly relationships last 35 years or mere months, there is a wonderful bond between kids and their grandparents. This video is evidence of one such connection!

This pampered princess, who clearly is a lover of all things pink and purple, makes quite a show of dismounting her cartoon-character flying trike! Are her struggles real, or are they exaggerated in honor of her grandma? 

It’s not exactly clear, but based on the video captions and titles, we know she has definitely observed her grandmother’s similar challenges.

Many grandmothers deal with joint or health issues that have them moving more slowly. Nearly all have a ton of personality. And this little lady’s grandmama is clearly no exception!

Baby girl lets out a few high-pitched grunts as she works to raise her left leg over her wheels. With her mouth agape and an outstretched right arm, she concentrates on bringing her chubby leg up. She then leans forward a bit, placing her right hand on the car plane’s fender wing and her left on the steering wheel. 

She manages to maneuver her fluffy foot just high enough to land it on the seat, slide it across and off the seat, and stand up! It’s quite a workout!

When the mission is complete, she lets out an exhausted “O Lord.” We can just imagine the scene that sweetness has been observing during her visits with her grandmother! She’s got the routine down, and it’s a lot cuter coming from a baby than it is when the struggle is real!    

Thank goodness for doting grandparents who provide loving care to grandchildren! And may we always remember how very close our little ones are watching!        

“Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.” Proverbs 17:6

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