Young Man's Heartwarming Explanation On How God Answers Prayers

A young man gave his thoughts and a heartwarming explanation of how God answers prayer.

Reading the Bible and immersing oneself in God’s Word is essential for every follower of Jesus Christ. That holy text will strengthen our knowledge and understanding of God, His Son and the Holy Spirit. Also, like everything else, the more we read the Bible, the more we’ll understand and be drawn closer to Him. 

Reading the Bible is an essential and necessary activity for all Christians. However, the most important thing any follower of Jesus Christ can do is to pray. Prayer is communicating and conversing with the Creator of the universe. Prayer will strengthen your relationship with God, and most people will present their requests to Him during those conversations.

However, sometimes it can feel like God is ignoring us or that maybe He didn’t hear our prayer request. It may even leave us wondering if God still answers prayer. In a clip posted on YouTube, one young man provides a sweet and heartwarming explanation for how and when God answers prayer.

“I said boo boos don’t go away; they go away when they want to,” he said. “Just like God don’t answer your prayers right away.”

The child adds that God works on His timeline and calendar, not ours.

God answers prayers “when He wants to,” he says.

When the little guy is asked who taught him about God’s method and timeline when answering prayer, he responds equally cutely. He stated that no one gave him this kernel of knowledge and insight but that he understands this simply because he is brilliant.

Continually asking the Lord for something and not seeing any change or movement on that request can become frustrating. However, as this boy reminds us, God has His timing and way of doing things that we must remember. His timing is perfect, and ours is not.

Mark 11:24 “For this reason I say to you, ‘Whatever you make a request for in prayer, have faith that it has been given to you, and you will have it.’”


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A Prayer to Tell Yourself a Better Story - Your Daily Prayer - February 11

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