Volunteers Criticized After Helping Abandoned Babies at Orphanage

Volunteers Criticized After Helping Abandoned Babies at Orphanage

Criticizing and critiquing someone else does not take much effort or any skill. When people act to make a difference, others sit back and point out the flaws in those actions or plans. Nevertheless, two sisters received criticism for their efforts to help orphaned and abandoned babies.

During an appearance on The Ellen Show, two sisters from Pennsylvania – Jamie and Ali McMurtie – mentioned how they were criticized for helping to rescue more than 50 orphaned and abandoned children in Haiti following an earthquake.

Jamie and Ali worked at an orphanage whose building had fallen and was no longer safe to be in due to the earthquake in the country. The children had nothing. 

The two sisters worked to bring those children to the United States. Ellen, during the interview, pointed out that the sisters received criticism for their efforts to help the abandoned children.

“We were surprised,” Ali said at the response they received for helping children.

Jamie stated that the children had no one to take care of them.

“Some of the kids didn’t have adoptive families, “Jamie said. “But they were abandoned. We were taking care of them in Haiti. Now they didn’t have Haitian parents and they didn’t have a house in Haiti, and we felt they deserved some aid. And so, we brought them here.”

Ali mentioned that she and her sister had a goal in mind. 

“When we asked to leave, we decided we weren’t going to leave one child,” Ali said. “Jamie and I were going to leave with our whole family. So, to say those children had to stay, they literally would have just been alone.”

During the interview, the two sisters pointed out that they have a new little brother. Their parents were already in the process of adopting one of the children from the orphanage. 

Matthew 19:14 “Jesus said, ‘Let the little ones come to me, and do not keep them away; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.’”

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