40 Arabic Words

The Qur'an denies, in a single ayah (verse), that Jesus the Messiah was crucified. By denying this historical reality, the Qur'an forces its followers to not only reject one of the most certain events of history itself, but by so doing it separates them
from the life-giving message of the cross of Jesus Christ. From Alpha Omega Ministries: It is our sincere hope that Muslims will know we present this with true love in our hearts for them, and in the hope that they will see their need for Christ's work, and
will submit in repentance and faith to His lordship. Get the tshirt here: http://www.zazzle.com/3340_shirt-235342373277074339 For more information on the Christian faith, and for responses to the claims of Islam, see the videos on this channel, and the information
available at www.aomin.org.

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Today's Devotional

A Prayer for God to Ease My Heartache - Your Daily Prayer - September 8

Heartache can make us feel lonely as if no one cares or understands what we’re going through. Those negative thoughts mislead us into thinking God isn’t there, and we are left to struggle alone. But the soul-satisfying truth is that God wants to see us whole. He is a God who heals, comforts, and restores our brokenness.

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