Judge Joins Contestant On Stage For 'Sound Of Music' Duet

Judge Joins Contestant On Stage For 'Sound Of Music' Duet

A judge joined a contestant on stage on Australia’s The Voice to sing a beautiful duet from ‘Sound of Music’ — you’ll get chills!

After dedicating her entire life to music, Julee-Anne Bell decided it was finally time to take her talent a little further than her local choir in Australia. She wanted to try out for The Voice and was just as nervous as all of the other contestants.

Julee-Anne had ‘watched’ the show for years, but she experienced it in a different way than most viewers. Fully blind since birth, Julee-Anne listened to the gifted singers that have come and gone through previous seasons of the singing competition.

Since she had no idea what to expect other than what she heard in previous episodes, Julee-Anne felt she couldn’t mentally prepare like the other contestants could. She couldn’t experience the set and surroundings.

But Julee-Anne didn’t let anything stop her from chasing her dreams.

After someone led her onto the stage, Julee-Anne performed ‘Climb Every Mountain,’ and all four judges turned their chairs. She heard the applause and said, “I can’t see you at all. I’m standing here not certain if any of you actually turned around.”

She connected with Guy Sebastian because he sang that same song on Australian Idol almost 20 years ago and won the entire competition. Julee-Anne admitted she knew all of this and chose Guy’s team for the competition since she was a huge fan.

At this point, Guy joined her on stage, and they sang the song together on the spot. The other judges couldn’t hold back their emotions and felt changed from watching this musical connection.

Both Julee-Anne and Guy shared that they would never forget this moment. I don’t think anybody in that audience will ever forget it either! Even from watching the duet online, I got goosebumps!

May God bless Julee-Anne with joy throughout her journey in the competition. That incredible voice deserves to be heard around the world!

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