Kind Strangers Save Leopard Trapped In Barbed-Wire

Kind Strangers Save Leopard Trapped In Barbed-Wire

This is an action clip unlike any other. In a touching video, kind strangers save a leopard who is trapped in barbed wire. 

This poor animal was struggling to escape the pain and entrapment from a barbed-wire fence. The leopard begins to give up. Suddenly the mouth of anger responds and a tranquilizing dart hits the ferocious feline. When the leopard begins to rest and fall asleep the people come to his aid. 

One person covers the leopard’s face with a towel while the other uses large wire cutters to remove the wires. Suddenly, he cannot reach so the two guys each hold one side of the cutters together. They have to remove the wires that have been wrapped around the leopard’s entire torso. Suddenly, the trap is released and they are able to get the large animal over the rocks and into a net.

This group strategically carries the leopard to a crate and removes the towel and equipment as they close him in for their own safety, because he is still a hunting predator. Rescuers took the leopard to a rehab facility and he was rehabilitated back to the wild. This leopard was saved from a painful death by some brave humans. 

This reminds us of how we were once trapped in our sins, but God has made us alive again through Christ. We do not have to be held down by our old ways but can live free because of Jesus. Our sins held us down like the leopard trapped by barbed wire, but Jesus came and saved us.

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:2


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