A Church that Preaches Jesus Is a Powerful Church

A Church that Preaches Jesus Is a Powerful Church

The church in America is loosing power and influence in today's society. A record number of people are leaving the church and seeking answers to life's toughest questions from other sources. I believe the reason for this is that the church has moved away from preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If we want to reach our society and be a church of power and influence we must preach Jesus as the first church did. We must preach him as the one who is accredited by God, the One who was crucified for our sins, the One who has risen from the dead, the One who is seated at the right hand of God. We must hold to the truth that Jesus is the Risen Lord and that he is the only Way, Truth, and the Life. Listen in, open your Bibles and hearts as we discover how to be a powerful church in our community. Please visit us on the web at www.corinthbaptistchurchsalleysc.org. Whether you live in our neck of the woods or plan to be in our area soon, we would like to extend a warm welcome for you to come and worship with us.

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