Cinema of Faith January 2010 film: "No Greater Love"

Cinema of Faith January 2010 film: "No Greater Love"

If you are in th NE Ohio area, join us Jan.2nd for our showing of "No Greater Love". It is a dramatic story of faith, forgiveness, and the sovereignty of God. Jeff and Heather were the "lucky ones." Best friends from childhood, high school sweethearts, and married by 22. After the birth of their only child, however, Heather fell into an uncontrollable depression. Hopelessly lost, she did the unthinkable...she abandoned her husband and infant son – and vanished. Now, ten years later, Jeff, a single father, faces the challenge of a fledgling business and raising a precocious ten-year old son. But when new love blossoms and a stellar business deal looms on the horizon things seem to be going great.

That is, until a chance encounter with his estranged wife Heather reappears in the most unusual place. Years later he finds he's never really lost his love for her. Faced with a lifetime of emotion, Jeff learns to forgive and meets the love of his life...again. No Greater Love is the heartwarming story about a second chance at first love. Without revealing the whole story, this film really speaks of the importance of having God centered relationships as well as the sovereignty of God. The film and the acting are superb.

Come early at 6:30 as we premiere the new series "God Provides" with the first episode: "Widow and Oil".

•6:10 pm Pre-Show Countdown & Extras

•6:30 pm Inspirational Film Short: God Provides "Widow and Oil"

•7:00 pm Feature Film: "No Greater Love"

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