Free Interactive Website about the Catholic Faith Free Interactive Website about the Catholic Faith

The truth in just one click! is a free interactive family catechism in English and Spanish that will help you and your family discover the richness of our Catholic Faith through a multimedia experience. Based on The Apostolate's Family Catechismâ„¢, presents an easy-to-understand question and answer format that provides the basics of the faith. Prayers and theological illustrations summarize each concept presented. Excerpts from and cross-references with Sacred Scripture, Vatican II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, papal documents and other Church documents lead you to a deeper understanding of our faith. Video commentaries featuring Francis Cardinal Arinze, Redemptorist Father Pablo Straub (Spanish) and other experts expound on the Church's teachings and provide practical applications. This resource can be used in the home, parish or school for both children and adult faith formation.

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