The Mission of the Holy Spirit by Wade C. Graber

The Mission of the Holy Spirit by Wade C. Graber

The message of the book is quite simple. You are the mission field of God the Holy Spirit. He has numerous things He wants to do in your life that affect your present and your eternity. The Holy Spirit wants to transform you into Christ’s image and glorify the Father and the Son.

Wade C. Graber is a born-again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. He began preaching in 1975 when he had a shoulder-shaking encounter with God at the age of 18. Wade has been pastoring since 1976. He holds a bachelor of arts degree in Bible with a minor in Greek from Sterling College and a master of divinity degree from Central Baptist Theological Seminary.

Married to Peggy in 1977, the couple has two children, Evan and Megan. In addition to all of the joys and challenges of pastoral ministry, the Grabers have been blessed to experience missions in various countries including Mexico and Liberia.

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