Special Needs Students Get A Graduation They'll Never Forget

Special Needs Students Get A Graduation They'll Never Forget

When the Fox5 Surprise Squad heard that a local school for kids with special needs was throwing a graduation they knew they wanted to pitch in and help. The parents of these kids already spend so much money on medical care the school didn't want them to pay for an expensive graduation. So the school and their principal Jeane Reynolds planned to throw a small graduation with what ever money they could scrape together. Well that wasn't good enough for the FOX5 Surprise Squad, who knows these kids, their parents and these incredible teachers deserve to truly celebrate. So with help from a local party planner and lots of generous companies in the area, they planned the greatest graduation ever. When you see the looks on the faces of the staff, parents and kids when they walk through those gym doors you'll start getting all misty-eyed! What a beautiful gift for an incredible group of people!

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