2021 Rally|March 2021 Rally|March In Oakland, California | Randy and Della Sandoli

2021 Rally|March 2021 Rally|March In Oakland, California | Randy and Della Sandoli


Voices In Video:
• Randy and Della Sandoli, Christians United For Israel


Randy and Della, "Messianic" believers, were simply awesome! They believe that literally "ALL" of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is for "ALL" people today, whether they are a Jew or a non-Jew.

They also understand why we walk ...

We walk because abortion in the Black community is a form of genocide, it is the Darfur of America. We walk because abortion in Black America is the Civil Rights issue of our day. We walk because abortion does violence, both physically and emotionally, to men and women, to their children, and to their families.

We walk because without life, nothing matters.

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