Carrying the Cross of Sickness, From Our Journal

Carrying the Cross of Sickness, From Our Journal

What Does Jesus Do With Our Physical Sufferings?

Healing is a touchy subject. So much harm has been done to souls who were not healed when prayed for. So often they are blamed for not having the faith sufficient to be healed.

Why are some healed and others aren't. I've discovered that when we are not healed there is a cross involved. Col 1:24 states,

"Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church."

Exactly what did the Lord mean when He said take up your cross and follow Me? Was Simon the man enlisted to help Jesus carry His cross a sign to us of what lay ahead for His disciples?

I have seen amazing breakthroughs with what I call a fast offering, although it is not a fast proper, but rather an ailment that causes pain and discomfort and which the Lord has not healed despite many entreaties. Much like Paul's thorn, I believe the infirmity is used as an offering because we have given our lives and our wills to the Lord to do with as He pleases, as a result He may at time call upon us to assist Him with a soul on the brink of destruction. And that assistance may come in the form of an illness, a cross.

I know there are many of you who will disagree with this, and I would ask you to consider listening to the video Why Wasn't I Healed, because it has all the Scriptural references and examples of how the Lord has led me to that conclusion. (thanks) At the very least, those of you who haven't been healed yet may find great joy in understanding why you still have that cross.

Thank you for tuning into our channel.

God bless you with a pure heart and endurance to the end.


We are a full time ministry and appreciate the kind and generous hearts that are able to contribute to our ministry. May the Lord bless you thirty fo

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