
Woman Asks Internet For Last Minute Wedding Date, Winds Up Getting Hitched

October 11, 2017

Woman Asks Internet For Last Minute Wedding Date, Winds Up Getting Hitched
When Madison O’Neill of Iowa and her boyfriend broke up, she lost her plus one for the wedding she was attending. And that just wouldn't do. So, she turned to Twitter to find a last minute wedding date. And God used Madison's tweet to bring her way more than she ever expected! godupdates twitter last minute wedding date love story 1 Credit: Madison O'Neill Once Madison realized her split left her dateless for the wedding, she decided to use Twitter to see if she could find a last minute wedding date. So, she sent out a tweet which read, "Hit me up if you wanna be my date to a wedding tomorrow." [rsnippet id="3" name="Article-Ad"] Mostly, it was just a joke.
"I figured if anyone responded it would be a close friend that would come with me just for fun," she said.
But God had bigger plans for Madison's plea!

A Last Minute Wedding Date Volunteer

Charlie Dohrmann definitely wasn't a close friend. But when he saw Madison's tweet, he quickly offered to be her plus one. Charlie and Madison went to high school together, but Charlie was a grade above her. The two never really knew each other well.
"We went to the same high school, but he was a grade older and I always thought he was obnoxious," Madison said.
RELATED: Two 90-Year-Olds Meet For A Blind Date And The Internet Swooned But Charlie had a very different recollection of things.
"He thought I was cute in high school but never had the courage to talk to me, but he saw that tweet as an opportunity and thought, hey why not," Madison explained later.
After battling some hesitation, Madison ultimately decided to go ahead and give the last minute wedding date a try. She was expecting an awkward night. But to her surprise, the evening turned out to be incredible. [/slide]

Last Minute Wedding Date Turns Into Marriage Proposal

The two continued dating after the wedding, though much of it was done long distance. A few weeks after their successful first date, Charlie joined the U.S. Navy to serve his country. God used this as just another way to surprise Madison. Madison has always considered herself "too clingy" to date a man in the military. But Charlie kept "accidentally" leaving items -- his wallet, sunglasses, etc. -- at Madison's house after visiting her, so he'd always have an excuse to come back. It clearly worked. For two years, the two remained in a long distance relationship with Charlie based in San Diego and Madison finishing up school at Iowa State University. But when Madison came out to visit Charlie before he headed out on deployment, she got the surprise of her life. Charlie proposed! godupdates twitter last minute wedding date love story fb Credit: Twitter/Madison O'Neill
“It caught me completely off-guard,” she said.
After saying "yes" and alerting friends and family, Madison posted their unique love story where it all began -- on Twitter. What a great story of how God brings people together in some pretty crazy ways! h/t: The Wichita Eagle YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Woman Thinks It’s Date Night, Then Finds Out It’s Her Wedding godupdates man surprises girlfriend date night turned wedding fb Credit: Saint Elmo Photography

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