
God Reminds Us To Thank Him Daily Through Powerful Video

November 10, 2017

God Reminds Us To Thank Him Daily Through Powerful Video
Life often gets so busy that we forget to thank God for the little things. As soon as we wake up, we start thinking about the many things on our to-do lists. God Reminds Us To Thank Him Video_GodUpdates credit: youtube.com After our alarm goes off, it's like we're horses in a race; it's go time! We rush around all day going from one place to another. When something throws off our daily groove we get really upset. God Reminds Us To Thank Him Video_GodUpdates credit: youtube.com [rsnippet id="3" name="Article-Ad"] And then before we know it, it's time to go home and the day is over. But, what if we stopped for a moment. Stopped and just thought about how much of a gift our lives truly are. God Reminds Us To Thank Him Video_GodUpdates credit: youtube.com In this powerful video, this actress does just that. She stops and soaks in the amazing things God has given her and then she thanks Him for them. We all need to take a cue from her. God Reminds Us To Thank Him Video_GodUpdates credit: youtube.com When was the last time you thanked God for your life? Often times we go through our days thinking of all the negative things going on but there are so many positive things about our lives that we could easily be focusing on instead. God Reminds Us To Thank Him Video_GodUpdates credit: youtube.com RELATED: God Planned Love Story And Surprise Proposal This video really convicted me to slow down the pace of my life and I hope it does the same for you! This is such a much-needed message in our country today. God Reminds Us To Thank Him Video_GodUpdates credit: youtube.com Lord, thank you so much for our precious lives. Help us to not take them for granted anymore and to instead take time to see your beauty in everything around us. Amen!

WATCH: Woman Is Convicted To Thank God After Busy Day

Credit: Journey Box Media YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: 10 Point Godly Spouse Checklist for Women godupdates godly spouse checklist for women fb Credit: Pexels

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