Scrabble Game Turns Into Powerful Gospel Lesson

Scrabble Game Turns Into Powerful Gospel Lesson

Check out this inspirational video where a game of Scrabble turns into a powerful lesson about the Gospel.

The video starts off with a man cleaning up a room that was used to serve a meal to homeless people. Then he notices an older man playing Scrabble, and this older gentleman invites him to join him for a game.

“What church are you from?” the older man asks. “Excuse me?” he replies.

The older man says that he assumes he is with a church group since he is helping feed the homeless.

“No, no church,” the man responds. “My wife just asked me to come…right in the middle of a football game.”

Then the two men start to play a game of Scrabble, and the younger man puts down the letters to make the word “fresh.” The older man then adds letters to the word to make “refresh” and earns a bunch of points.

“57 points for 2 letters?!” says the younger man. “That’s God’s favorite letters,” replies the older man.

He then goes on to share how his mother used to say that ‘R’ and ‘E’ were God’s favorite letters. She even named him Rey. Then the man was able to add more points to his score by adding R and E to another word on the board.

“You should know that the whole Bible can be summed up in those two letters. Redo, repeat, renew…God is all about the do-over. Grace, renewal, repentance, restoration.”

Rey then goes on to share more about the importance of these two letters.

“RE is only the half of it. RE ain’t worth much if it don’t change you. And ER is how it changes you. Add ER, and love becomes lover, give becomes giver, forgive becomes forgiver. And you know what that leads to…more RE. It’s not about what you do, it’s about what you become. God wants a relationship, not a religion. He reveals the record of my wrongs, and I recognize my need for Him. And I repent and then I rejoice, because Jesus came to reconcile us to God.”

The young man smiles and laughs after hearing this good news. What an amazing message that reminds us how a relationship with God can truly change everything!

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