"St. Paul and the Philosophers," Acts 17:16-34. Rev. R. Scott MacLaren

'St. Paul and the Philosophers,' Acts 17:16-34. Rev. R. Scott MacLaren

The great Italian Renaissance artist Raphael painted a beautiful fresco in the Vatican (1509-1511) called "The School of Athens." It depicted the great classic Greek philosophers in various poses, with Plato and Aristotle at the center. The Apostle Paul would face their descendents in the Areopagus where Socrates famously drank the hemlock and died. Paul presented a masterful argument for the truth of the gospel, proclaiming that God would judge the world through the resurrected Jesus Christ. Watch as Pastor MacLaren shows what we may learn from the speech when dealing with those who have no respect for the authority of Scripture. This sermon was presented at First Presbyterian Church of Perkasie, Pennsylvania, on November 23, 2014. First Church is a member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. The Rev. R. Scott MacLaren is the pastor.

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