A leslie 147/122 speaker i made by hand thank the lord

A leslie 147/122 speaker i made by hand thank the lord

This is a leslie speaker that i made by hand and from the help of the lord with just some skilled hands, i purchased some parts off ebay i got some wood from homedepot and made a leslie 147/122 leslie and saved thousands of dollars, it pays to be a skilled person just think what we all can do if we just ask (GOD) for the help to create what ever, he will give you just what you ask if you ask for it; i am sharing this testimony because this is something that i always wanted but just counld'nt get enough money to buy when all alone i had the skills to make one myself with his help. i got one that sounds just as good as a one from the store, he gives the best to his own and i am proud to be a child of the (KING JESUS) and a Peacher who (LOVES) the Lord check out the video and let me know what you think about the creation God Bless you all..... by now!!!!!!

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