The Evolutionist's Hobbit of Lying

The Evolutionist's Hobbit of Lying

Evolutionists have a habit of lying. You see all it takes is a little grant money and access to the right media and marketing firms and verbalize to the secular door keepers of how the creature called the hobbit can be used help evangelize the world into the religion of secular humanism. OH NO! It doesn't matter that the stories about ape men are actually scientifically NOT factual nor demonstrated as conclusive ... just look at all the money we can make with free money from the government and from arrogant atheists in Academia who love getting their egos stroked from time to time. Besides, we have

Evolutionists are troubled that many in the science community are not accepting their mythical creature called the Hobbit. - - The main defenders of Darwinism continue to be lost in their make-believe world of fantasy books and movies of Science-Fiction. Today, even more of the Evolutionists and Atheists mythical Ape Men creatures have gone the way of the leprechaun and mermaid into the modern day folklore of the simple-minded and self-absorbed.

The Evolutionists are lost in space with science-fiction stories and desperately hope that make-believe Ape Men will callous their conscience enough to avoid that sense of accountability to God the Creator and His Word (Jesus Christ). All their attempts are marked with futility as even the science they purport to esteem is riddled with contradictions dissipating their godless evolutionary pipe-dreams.

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