Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try and test the spirits to see whether they be of God. For truly many false prophets have gone out into the world and there are many deceivers who are both deceiving and being deceived. Be not led astray by errant doctrine, but adhere to the spirit of truth and to My holy word in all things. This alone shall lead and shall guide you into all truth. Maintain purity of heart, for in this you shall truly see and know Me, and understand the leading and guidance of My truth. For deception runs rampant in this hour, and many have exalted and have promoted individuals who are not speaking My truth, nor are they adhering to the truth of My word. This has greatly grieved the heart of your Father, and it is for this purpose that I again say that the standard of truth must be raised from the position of My word. Selah. [extreme, xtreme, encounter]

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