God's Creation

God's Creation

You look at a beautiful painting and you say to yourself, "There must have been a painter." You look at a motor vehicle of great workmanship and you say to yourself, "There must have been a manufacturer." You look at a meticulously detailed sculpture and you say to yourself, "There must have been a sculptor." You look at a massive bridge spanning a large body of water and you say to yourself, "There must have been an engineer." You look at a tall building and you say to yourself, "There must have been a builder." You look at a complex computer program and you say to yourself, "There must have been a programmer." You look at a well-written best-selling novel and you say to yourself, "There must have been an author." You look at the stars up in the sky and say to yourself, "This must have been the product of an accident. A long time ago absolutely nothing from absolutely nowhere exploded and not only created absolutely everything, but also created order and it all occurred as a random accident."

If this is you I strongly urge you to reconsider. The pattern above holds true in all things. Nothing is done by accident. You were not created by accident. The stars in the sky were not made by accident. Just as you can know that a painting dictates a painter, so in that manner you can know that a creation dictates a Creator.

To find out more about the Creator of our universe visit our website at ji2010.com or e-mail us at JerusalmTrip@aol.com.

(This video was created by our staff here at Jerusalem International. We are a not for profit organization designed to financially aid high school aged students in traveling to the city of Jerusalem, Israel. Hope you enjoy the video and God bless. Check out our website at "ji2010.com")

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