WE KNOW TOO MUCH - Mark Heard Tribute - Pedal Steel Version

WE KNOW TOO MUCH - Mark Heard Tribute - Pedal Steel Version

"...the knowledge of evil and good. You and me we know too much." Mark Heard



Genesis 2:17
 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

This was written by the great Christian songwriter Mark Heard (December 16, 1951 - August 16, 1992). My version is a reflection of two other great Christian songwriters - Bruce $$#@burn and Michael Been of The Call. I consider these to be three of the highest caliber, genius Christian Rock musicians. They are amazing songwriters and performers - period. Their songs have always been an inspiration and HUGE influence on what I do as a musician whom chases the the Great Muse. These songs come from somewhere out of the thin air. As I became a believer, I realized they are a gift from the one who died for us so we could live and never know death - The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. 1x1x1 = 1

To me, Christian Rock is not some exclusive club that can only be listened to by Christians. We are simply singing from our hearts the most important Truth that resonates in us day and night as anybody sings what they feel most passionate about.


Mark Heard -

Bruce #@#%burn -

Michael Been and The Call -

Do a Google search and learn more. Peace

About my version - it is a mixture of all the above and what God hard-wired into me:

Psalm 98:4
Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.

That is my life verse and purpose. I am sometimes criticized for my music by Christians as being too loud, noisy and angry sounding. My intention is quite the opposite and Psalm 98:4 is my Scriptural proof that we can make a "loud noise" as praise.

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