Watch the stories of lives changed in Asia as more than 5 churches are being planted each day in the most unreached places in the world through the ministry of Gospel for Asia. Currently 16,500+ missionaries are serving full-time in 10 different countries. These native missionaries are more effective than western missionaries for many reasons. They already know the culture and language. They don't need a visa. Financially, it only takes about $2,000 per year to fully support a missionary. Please consider sponsoring a native missionary for only $30 a month. See WWW.GFA.ORG (planting churches in Asia India Nepal Sri Lanka Bhutan Bangladesh Burma Myanmar Thailand Cambodia Laos China most unreached places in the world global missions 10/40 window India 10-40 window Asia 1040 window fulfill the Great Commission unreached people groups evangelism poor churches needy communities poverty churches in Asia Holy Spirit power unreached people groups 10/40 window Holy Ghost power planting churches in Asia unreached people groups planting churches in Asia India Nepal Sri Lanka Bhutan Bangladesh Burma Myanmar Thailand Cambodia Laos China most unreached places in the world global missions 10/40 window India 10-40 window Asia 1040 window fulfill the Great Commission unreached people groups evangelism poor churches needy communities poverty churches in Asia Holy Spirit power unreached people groups 10/40 window Holy Ghost power planting churches in Asia unreached people groups planting churches in Asia India Nepal Sri Lanka Bhutan Bangladesh Burma Myanmar Thailand Cambodia Laos China most unreached places in the world global missions 10/40 window India 10-40 window Asia 1040 window fulfill the Great Commission unreached people groups evangelism poor churches needy communities poverty churches in Asia Holy Spirit power unreached people groups 10/40 window Holy Ghost power planting churches in Asia unreached people groups) WWW.GFA.ORG WWW.GFA.ORG WWW.GFA.ORG WWW.GFA.ORG WWW.GFA.ORG

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