Peace, Love and Joy

Peace, Love and Joy

These is my Christmas Card to all you, The most precious gift we ever received was a baby born in a manger, God in the Flesh, So the most preciuos gift I know to give you is love from the heart of the little children, Their Peace, love and joy, That they wish for each and every human on this earth,

For you see their heart 's are pure. They love with a pure heart and their wish is for the love. peace, and joy that Jesus has ment for each soul he created. So today Christmas eve, I invite you to feel the love these little children give you and feel for each of you and that you also feel the love, peace and joy of the Lord God Almighty. MAy you be blessed as you watch this and MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Photo's and production By Me. TAnya Mealer
Song by Mel White, called PeaceLove Joy vocals by Laura and Julia Rondinella

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