My Radio Interview re the DC Beltway Snipers & Islamic Extremists

My Radio Interview re the DC Beltway Snipers & Islamic Extremists

This is an edited version of my radio interview regarding my visit to DC and Maryland during the sniper incident

State of Virginia, (HC News)

It was seven years ago in Washington D.C. when a serial killer gained world attention. He was first named the D.C. Sniper, then later the D.C. Beltway Sniper. This serial killer was an equal opportunity destroyer as he cowardly shot men, women and children from different races.

I remember this specifically because at that time I was in D.C. and Maryland for a speaking engagement. I saw firsthand the effects and tolls this had on this community. I later shared my experiences as a quest on talk radio. (I have a brief audio of that interview on my PowerPoint presentation entitled 'The Trends and Updates of Islamic Terrorism within America.')

The sniper then began killing more innocent citizens in the State of Maryland. But the sniper made his fatal mistake by moving south into the State of Virginia to kill even more. I say a fatal mistake because Virginia has the death penalty for terrorists like this.

Thru the police investigation it was determined that the sniper was actually two snipers working in concert with each other. However thanks to a truck driver the suspects and their vehicle were spotted. Both John Allen Muhammad and his accomplice Lee Boyd Malvo were finally arrested. These two terrorists were convicted by two jury panels. Malvo got life in prison and Muhammad was given the death penalty by lethal injection.

Muhammad's attorney tried to overturn his sentence of death. However the United States Supreme Court just refused to hear their appeal. Therefore because of the actions of Muhammad, tonight at 9:00PM (EST) the State of Virginia will turn on their drip-line, hence executing Muhammad to death by lethal injection. The only problem I see with tonight's execution, is Muhammad will feel no pain, as did those many many innocent victims.

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