Skate Park Evangelism -- Castle Rock -- Noll

Skate Park Evangelism -- Castle Rock -- Noll

On Memorial Day, Noll and his friends were hanging out in the skate park in Castle Rock enjoying the day off. In chatting with Noll, he believed that when we die, we are reincarnated into animals or stars. Noll shared that he has lived a pretty rough life, and that there were many things he encountered that gave him the perspective he had on life and death.

After I shared the Gospel with him and switched the camera off, his friends and I kept talking for about a half hour. They had many tough questions, and wanted to know why bad things happened to people. Things like underage relations, the death of a good friend, and drug use were on their minds. These teenagers have gone through more things than most people, and they desperately need our prayers.

Pray for Noll.

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