Lord Because You Asked Me To

Lord Because You Asked Me To

Words And Music By Fred Riedel Kim Riedel Rory Riedel - LYRICS- Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Jesus Christ Our Lord, King of Kings,Prince of Peace, Jesus we worship you. 2- Lord I wanna be like you, In all You say and Do, But I Fall short, I get unkind, rebellious to, Yet in all my anger, Jesus You Still carry me Through, Lord I Want to change, Because you asked me to. 3- Lord because you asked me to, I won't worry, I'll trust in you, Lord because you asked me to, I will pray, What would Jesus Do, Lord by your stripes I'm healed, Jesus I know you love me so, Yes I'll go to your Broken Hearted, because you asked me to, Lord Because you asked me to. 4- Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Jesus Christ Our lord, Precious Savior, Jesus our Healer, Jesus We love You so much, Because you first loved us, Jesus you first loved us.

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