Mission Unstoppable discipleship album for kids

Mission Unstoppable discipleship album for kids

OLLY GOLDENBERG has been ministering to children, both inside and outside the Church, for over twenty years, including building up the largest children’s work in Europe. He and his wife are the founders of Children Can. They travel nationally and internationally equipping and inspiring churches and leaders to see that their children can do all things through Christ.

They have helped thousands of children to discover prayer and begin a life changing journey with God. Olly lives in London with his wife, Helen, and their five children.
MISSION UNSTOPPABLE has 12 new songs that are sure to make children laugh, think and draw closer to God.
Recorded with a live band and a huge dollop of fun, these songs will inspire children (and their parents) to shine for Jesus wherever they go.
Song list:
* Unstoppable * Praise the Lord * Stop take time to pray * Catching the Jesus bug * Looking at my heart * Jesus spoke to me
* God came to Abraham * Whatever you put in * We’re gonna stop * God’s Spirit calls out to me * Jesus, Jesus, I worship you
* Oh people of God *Stop take time to pray (remix)
**Includes backing tracks for all 12 songs.**

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